Reduce the Risk of SIDS With a Firm Crib Mattress

Studies show that infants sleeping on firm crib mattresses with snugly fitting sheets are less likely to suffocate. Soft mattresses conform more closely to an infant's body, creating indentations which trap carbon dioxide and cause hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

To test a mattress's firmness, wrap two CDs together and draw a circle around one of the cartons containing them; if that circle touches the mattress it may be too soft.

1. Avoid Soft Surfaces

Many babies who die of SIDS are found sleeping on soft bedding; the best way to reduce this risk is with a firm mattress.

Infants' bones are more delicate than adult ones and therefore require additional support while sleeping. Furthermore, soft mattresses allow their heads to sink too deeply into them causing indentation, increasing risk of suffocation.

When purchasing a mattress, look for GOTS certification to ensure the materials used are safe for children. GOTS requires that no polyurethane foam be used and that all chemicals be free from use – SafeSleep's air permeable crib mattress meets this standard with its natural materials and certification.

2. Keep the Crib Clean

While chemical flame retardants should be avoided, you also want your infant's bedding to remain free from organic materials that could harm his or her health. Be sure to regularly vacuum and dust their crib to eliminate germs or fungus that could limit breathing or cause rashes.

Search for organic cotton as well as mattresses certified as GREENGUARD GOLD to ensure low chemical emissions and create a healthier indoor environment for your baby. Ideally, machine washing your mattress is also possible to make cleaning simpler. Be sure that it contains a breathable inner core such as Kapok or Ti Tree Bark to reduce risk of SIDS.

3. Keep the Crib Temperature Consistent

Studies indicate that infants sleeping on firm crib mattresses are far less likely to die of SIDS. But regular cleaning of their sleeping service is necessary or it will become contaminated with bacteria, mold and fungus growth that poses health risks to infants.

Some brands of crib mattresses claim they prevent suffocation and SIDS by allowing babies to breathe through them when they roll onto their stomachs, yet evidence for these claims remains weak and these mattresses don't meet government safety standards.

4. Place Your Baby on His or Her Back

Since the early 1990s, physicians have recommended that babies sleep on their backs to reduce the risk of SIDS and has significantly decreased cot deaths.

Babies who sleep on their stomachs or sides — typically when being put down by grandparents, babysitters, or daycare workers — have an increased risk of SIDS. Changes to their sleeping position can affect breathing patterns and increase suffocation risks.

Selecting a firm mattress specifically designed for infants will help lower the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Furthermore, keeping your crib sheet clean is key.

5. Don’t Use Positioners or Wedges

For your baby's safety, it is wise to avoid sleep positioners and wedges as these products increase the risk of suffocation, entrapment and rolling over, increasing SIDS risk.

Numerous companies make claims that their products reduce the risk of SIDS, but without providing proof. Furthermore, FDA requires proof before products can be sold as devices to prevent SIDS.

To test the firmness of your crib mattress, stack 12 CDs and tightly wrap each with kitchen cling wrap. Draw a line across their circle that intersects with the edge of the mattress.

6. Keep the Crib Clean

To reduce the risk of SIDS, parents should opt for a firm crib mattress and avoid loose blankets that could suffocate or overheat their infant. Soft blankets pose both a suffocation risk as well as overheating issues for babies.

Many companies manufacture breathable baby crib mattresses designed to reduce rebreathing of carbon dioxide in case a baby rolls over while sleeping; however, this method has yet to be proven as an effective means of preventing SIDS.

Select a GREENGUARD GOLD Certified crib mattress instead, which offers low chemical emissions and contributes to healthier indoor air quality. Look for one featuring high-density foam that adapts as your child develops.