Emtek Redefines the Meaning of “Barn” Doors and Sliding Door Hardware

A popular feature of high-end interior design is the modern sliding door hardware. It`s not just for the exterior anymore! This style of door has become increasingly popular in residential and commercial spaces in recent years, and it`s easy to see why: they`re sleek, stylish, and versatile. The sliding door hardware at visit Urban Modern Hardware is perfect for any space, from saving space to giving the room a completely different appearance, and manufacturers provide that perfect blend of old-fashioned and modern.

Want to upgrade your space but can`t quite find the solution to do it? Modern barn-style doors might just be what you needed.

Sliding doors are traditionally found on farmhouses or rustic log homes, but modern sliding door hardware has made this style of door more versatile.

The sliders are easy to operate and perfect for smaller spaces because they provide an attractive way to hide clutter or add privacy without taking up too much space in the room. The doors are available in a number of colors and finishes so you can match one to your preferred aesthetics. Modern or vintage, all your bases are covered.

If you`re looking for both beauty and functionality, then look no further than these stylish new additions to any interior design project. Wood, metal or glass, many companies have the barn door kits just for you.

Beyond their traditional rustic appearance, some of the best sliding doors, with the right combo of tracks, hangers and door slabs, integrate perfectly into their space for a futuristic and stylish look. 

How to design your barn door hardware?

For inspiration, look at designs on Pinterest or Houzz, or ask an interior design professional at visit Urban Modern Hardware for their recommendations.

Next, consider:

– Which material for the door? (wood or metal)

– The finish type for the track and hardware, typically stainless steel.

– Type of door (single, double, bi-parting, bypassing)

– How can safety features be used to reduce safety risks? Soft-close, for example, gently brings the door to a close.

– Door dimensions, considering the distance between wall and track

Modern sliding hardware is clean, gorgeous and always in style. These types of doors are so respected in interior design circles, that people don`t even think twice about them anymore when it comes to choosing an internal or external feature for their house. Barn door hardware can be used to create your unique space by adding personality through shape, size, and color.

The possibilities are endless! For an expensive feel and function at an excellent price, shop locally for sliding door hardware. There are a lot of choices for different budgets. When you get hardware from a high-quality company, the savings will pay off, as the door will last without the need for repairs or undue maintenance. This is especially important in high-traffic commercial areas.

You will get premium service and durable barn door hardware products and kits from Woodfold .